Say hello to Baby Thatcher...he's my newest nephew at about 8 weeks old! He is Aaron's brother Adam's little boy.

He is followed closely by Baby Reagan (AKA Baby Ray) who is almost 6 months old now! She is my older sister Kate's daughter and is rolling around and scooting like crazy. I've gotten to know her since the literal day she was born (see above) and for the first 4-5 months of her life I got to live with times!
Next up are Lance (L.T.) and Jade (Baby J)! L.T is the son of Aaron's sister Amanda and Baby J is Adam's daughter. They are only about a month apart and are about a year and a half old! I can't believe how big they are and I'm so lucky to be able to spend a decent amount of time with them both this summer!

Then we have Cameron...Cam just turned 4 in June and is a seriously smart preschooler! He's been reading since he was 3 and is now at a first grade level, he knows all his numbers, colors and recently asked me if I was going to "saute those onions first" (yes - we watch too much food network!). I love him to death and had so much fun living with him and his whole family for 10+ months! He also obviously loves sunglasses, popsicles and Transformers. He is Kate's little boy and will talk your ear off about everything from Bakugan, Transformers and dinosaurs!

My last and definitely not least niece is Patience (Pae). I've actually known her since she was a few months old, as she is Andrew's daughter from his previous marriage and he and Kate have been friends since before she was born! I can't believe I got to celebrate her 9th birthday with her this summer...I don't get to see her as often as I'd like to because she spends most of the year in Florida with her mom, but I can't wait til she comes back to celebrate Christmas with us this year!
I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful kids in my life and I can't wait to meet the newest one (due Dec/Jan)!