"It has been an interesting week."
I feel like I say this sentence constantly!
Constant repetition doesn't make it any less true, it just is a reflection that Aaron and I are in an "interesting" phase in our lives at the moment. I think I need to come up with a new catchphrase to use when people ask me how I'm doing...
How about, "It has been a shockingly bizarre week" or "I did things I never thought I'd do this week" or (my favorite) "I'm trying to hang on and at the same time become a better version of myself this week, how are you?"
This week has mostly been good. Aaron was able to get a shift at the new surgery center where he works and it looks like business might be picking up there, plus he got another 2 shifts at the hospital for March. Any news in that area is good!
Our first small group meeting was last Sunday and it's only been a week, but we've already started really developing some relationships with the people we met. It truly is an amazing group of people - we're all so different and even though we're at different phases in our lives, we're able to encourage each other and study God's word together...pretty incredible!
It feels good to be connected - the series our church is doing is called
"freegrowthreport.com" and is really centered around taking a hard and honest look at your spiritual growth, identifying what areas need work and then taking those steps to grow. I love the sermon series and our small group is really built around expanding those Sunday sermons into practical areas of our lives.

One of the areas Aaron and I have really committed to working on together is
reading the Bible. We were both fortunate enough to grow up in Christian homes and in the church, participated in memorizing verses, AWANA and even Bible quizzing...yet somehow that area of our lives has really fallen by the wayside. Not a good thing when the Bible is a major way God speaks to us!
I am proud to report that we've both been reading daily this week, both together and separately. Together we're working through the book of Proverbs, taking 2 chapters at a time. It really is an incredible book, full of so much practical wisdom. On my own I'm reading a book my sister Kate lent me (If Mama Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy) along with a Psalm a day.
The Psalm I read today just really impacted me, it was an incredible reminder of just how amazing our God is...we try to put Him in this little human box, to try to understand his vast awesomeness and it severely limits our view of Him and his power.
Psalm 29 (Excerpts from)
3The voice of the LORD is over the waters;the God of glory thunders,the LORD thunders over the mighty waters.
4 The voice of the LORD is powerful;
the voice of the LORD is majestic.
7 The voice of the LORD strikes
with flashes of lightning.
9 The voice of the LORD twists the oaks
and strips the forests bare.
And in his temple all cry, “Glory!”10 The LORD sits enthroned over the flood;
the LORD is enthroned as King forever.
11 The LORD gives strength to his people;the LORD blesses his people with peace.I think too often I am guilty of putting my own human limitations on God, of brushing off problems in my life as not worth of His attention or of being too big for Him to handle...which is insane considering we're talking about the omniscient, omnipresent being who created the entire universe, right?
Now that I have started reading His Word daily, I've noticed a difference...I look forward to that time, it sets the tone for my entire day. I read on my own in the morning and again with Aaron that night...its the perfect way to begin and end my day.
Of course this is only week one of trying to make this a habit, so
I could absolutely use your prayers that I keep putting God's Word as a priority in my life and please let me know if there's anything I can pray about for any of you!