This weekend I was lucky enough to have an extra day (SNOW DAY) since I work for a school and Baltimore got 21 inches+ of snow dumped on it! I got to spend the weekend with Aaron and his parents on the Eastern Shore...we did a tiny version of Christmas and exchanged presents and much merriment was had by all. Aaron and I decided to brave the biting cold weather and wander around in the snow for awhile. This resulted in the following:
Aaron PUSHING me into a ditch on the side of the road causing me to bury my left foot in icy snow and sludge up to my KNEE...
Aaron hysterically laughing at me and my soggy/freezing foot plight while I halfheartedly chased him with a snowball seeking retribution...he finally stopped and let me throw it at him smack in the chest...SO not the same as getting foot-frostbite from a ditch, but I'll take what I can get. When my toes fall off he'll be sorry!

So now I am safely back home hanging with Cam and Andrew hoping that Kate finally gets to come home from the hospital today...plus my parents in flying into BWI any time now and will be over soon...more Christmasing will happen tomorrow when the Kiddo gets here...can't wait to see her!
Hope you all have a rawkin Christmas (can't help it - I'm now addicted to RockBand after this weekend) and I'll post again soon....
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