Since high school, and into college, my hair has been the following colors:
- Blond
- Brown
- Black
- Red
- White-Blond
- Blue
- Green (not on purpose - this is when I learned I had to bleach my hair before adding blue!)
- Purple
- Pink
- Orange (again, not on purpose)
- Gray (REALLY not on purpose!)

So color has never been something I've been afraid of - you can always change your hair! A lot of the time I kept the base bleached blond and just added in different colors. I always have taken care of my hair, making sure it stays moisturized and healthy so thankfully the college years of extreme dyeing didn't really take a toll on it. I think part of it was because my hair was short at the time...speaking of length, my hair has been short to the point of about 2 inches in the back (spiked out) and long to the point of waving down the middle of my back. Yup, I've had it all.
However, after I graduated from college and started getting bored with the shorter hair, I started growing it out and had a few cute styles:

Ok - so there are a few highlights from my years of hairstyles...but for about 2 years I just kind of let it grow long. I was growing it out a little, then I got engaged and wanted to keep it long so I could do the updo I wanted for my wedding...
But since then I've just been getting my hair trimmed, getting the split ends cut off and I haven't really had a hair STYLE. Sooooo that all changed yesterday and I LOVE it! I found a fabulous hairdresser thanks to some of my friends' recommendation. I told her to do what she thought would look great and I wasn't afraid of anything except straight across bangs, which we agreed would be a HUGE mistake. She gave me this fantastic angled bob!
She cut about 7 inches off my hair and I feel like I lost about 10 pounds. I can't wait to go back next month to talk about coloring...my old friend, hair color!
What was your best hairstyle? Share please!
I love it! Looks GREAT!