We are slowly starting to acquire baby-themed items and I'm scrambling to organize everything and find space in our 2-bedroom apartment. Looking back, I'm so grateful we decided to go with the 2-bedroom when we moved last summer!
Last weekend was my baby shower and it was fantastic. Such a great excuse to see so many people I love and spend time with family! My mom completely surprised me and flew in from Oklahoma to be at the shower - I told her that surprising someone who is 7 months pregnant might not be the best idea, but I loved having her there. She also surprised me and showed up at my wedding shower back in 2010, so maybe I should expect her more often...
The shower was a lot of fun and of course I got an overwhelming amount of baby stuff we desperately needed. I think I finally have it all sorted, washed and organized - whew! Aaron and I are planning on putting the crib together this weekend - a fabulous white hand-me-down from Baby Knives' cousin Roo who has moved onto a toddler bed.

As of tomorrow I'll be at 32 weeks - the countdown is down to single digits when it comes to weeks...insane! Next week we're doing the hospital tour so we have a clue where to go when I actually go into labor.
Lately I've been pretty calm, taking it one day at a time and trying not to obsess over the details - I think my husband's perspective is rubbing off on me, thankful for that! I love having sisters, sisters-in-law and friends who are so patient with my millions of "what if" questions, they've helped ease my mind a lot. I guess what I've been worrying about the most is the post-baby recovery and that she'll be healthy, yet another aspect of all this that is hypothetical and out of my control...trying to just let those worries go until they need to be worried about!
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