Nov. 21 - I realized this morning that I had forgotten to do a thankfulness post yesterday. I woke up in a seriously grumpy mood and just couldn't shake off my "blah"'s been kind of a crappy week in certain respects, amplified by the fact that Baby Knives has decided to start waking up at 3 or 4am wanting to eat again and that Aaron and I have both been sick. Just woke up crabby and I was about halfway through feeding Baby Knives her mashed banana when I stopped and realized no matter how rough a week is, how tired we are and how much banana has been sneezed on me...I always have so much to be thankful for.
So I shook of most of my grumpiness, thanks in part to a call to my mom, baked up what promises to be a delicious Thanksgiving dessert and got down to work after putting a sleepy baby down for her nap. Here's to a better rest of the day!
My pleasure sweetie. Any time.