Fiona in January

Fiona in January

Monday, April 26, 2010

Just when you think it's all good....

What a week...this past week has been an exercise in self-control and faith. It is the ultimate example of just when you start to think life is progressing well, that you have the immediate future figured out and it's all good....BAM! Life turns around and bites you in the ass.

As an exercise in self-control I'm going to let that one "ass" be the only semi-profane word I use in this blog. Believe me, that in itself is exercising an extreme level of self-control under the circumstances.

This week Aaron was laid off. His fantastic full-time job with benefits at the hospital where he was finally doing what he loved to do, was trained to do and is extremely good at...they laid him and 3 other people in his department off. Thursday was his last day of work and Friday he got the official "axe". In an extreme incidence of irony (which we might laugh at in a year or five), I was interviewing for a new job across the street at the exact same time he was being let go from his.

Weeks like this one prompt me to say:



Then sigh, breathe and try to reign in the crazy, desperately clinging to those truths about Him I know so well.

#1 - He loves me and Aaron

#2 - All things work together for good for those who love Him

#3 - He is good. Always. No matter the circumstances of our lives.

That being said, it has been a rough couple of days and we are scrambling through the exhausting process of applying for jobs (both of us - as I am leaving my job to move to the Eastern Shore in a month!) and praying like crazy for God to give us guidance as we're getting married in 5 months and were planning to live in the Salisbury area due to his job!

Thank you to everyone for your prayers, please continue to lift us up as we are struggling. Keeping my attitude high, encouraging and uplifting to God is a near-hourly exercise in self-control and resolve.


  1. My verse that I pray will bring you hope for the future:

    Isaiah 43:18-19
    18 Do not call to mind the former things,
    Or ponder things of the past.
    19 Behold, I will do something new,
    Now it will spring forth;
    Will you not be aware of it?
    I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
    Rivers in the desert.

  2. ...time to move back to the midwest :-)



    yeah Jackson, midwest is not on the options list! but nice try :)
