Fiona in January

Fiona in January

Monday, April 5, 2010

Striking a Chord

Have you ever been reading the Bible, doing your daily thing...almost just as a habit when a verse or passage just jumps out at you and smacks you in the face with its power?

That really happened to me this weekend. I've started reading my way through "Becoming A Woman After God's Own Heart" and am in the chapter devoted to how important prayer is. Prayer has been a struggle for me at times, I either feel like my prayers are more of habit and not genuine or I feel like I only pray when I'm in trouble. I'm trying to develop my prayer life and relationship with God and to be honest it isn't easy.

So I was reading one of the Psalms listed and it leapt off the page at me in it's importance:

Psalm 121
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD watches over you
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.

7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;

8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

I cried. I just let myself cry out all the tension and stress I had built up trying to over-manage and over-prepare myself for all life could possibly throw at me. I don't need to worry about it all - I need to LET GO because the Maker of the heavens and earth cares for me and watches over every aspect of my life for me. I will never be alone, He will always be with me.

What an incredible promise!

1 comment:

  1. Em, I am loving reading about what God is doing in your life (including your incredibly amazing connection with your fiance who God handpicked for you before you were even freaking born!!). Just wanted to share with you that I've been reading in Genesis and have just been completely overcome by the same idea: God is amazing and faithful and loves us beyond what we can possibly imagine. Love you and miss you lots, but I'm encouraged to hear you chasing after Him! Thanks for your passion

